How To Instantly Guess Someone’s Age

As we age, certain things happen to our primary senses. By testing this ability, you can instantly guess just how old someone is! I won’t say too much more than that, because the video explains it beautifully…

Video Source: “How Can You Instantly Guess Someone’s Age?” Uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

How To “Shut Off” a Cat According to Science

If your cat is anything like mine, for one hour of the day (every day) and for NO apparent reason, it will take supreme pleasure in tearing up your couches, running from one end of the apartment to the other and generally acting like a drug-crazed hippie at a trance party. The other 23 hours of the day it’ll spend sleeping and being anti-social. So, it’s when your cat sinks into its daily delirium that you can make use of the following nifty trick called “clipnosis” – the official way to hit your cats “off” button, according to science!

Video Source: “Cat Clipnosis | Outrageous Acts of Science” Uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

Snake Uses Hilarious Adaptation to Thwart Danger

This has got to be the funniest wildlife video I’ve seen in a very long time… The Western Hook-nosed Snake has developed a rather unique adaptation, which it makes use of to temporarily alarm enemies. It farts. Yes, it farts: something the guy in this video calls “popping noises, which it makes by squeezing air out of its cloaca” (biology speak for butt). Yeah, last time I checked, squeezing air out of your butt is called a fart. I especially LOVE how the snake continues to squeeze out little nervous farts while the guy handles it. If you can remember any of what he says, I applaud you. I was too busy laughing. Enjoy!

Video Source: “Western Hooknose Snake” uploaded by Orry Martin to YouTube channel

Crazy Schmuck Lets a Black Mamba Bite Him

Yeah, so the video title pretty much says it all. I’ll spare you the preamble and let you get straight to this INSANE video…

Video Source: “Surviving a Black Mamba Bite” uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

Baboons Cartwheeling (No, This Is Not a Joke)

Baboons – and most monkeys and all apes really – are remarkably like humans. We have a social hierarchy, we have figured out our environment pretty well, we’re insatiably curious and we love to play games… cartwheel down hills to be more accurate. This clip comes from one of my FAVOURITE movies of all times – Beautiful People – a documentary set in the Kalahari desert. This movie chronicles the life and times of the flora and fauna that inhabit (and thrive) in this seemingly inhospitable place on Earth, all set to a musical score that is beautifully fitting. If you ever come across this film, check it out.

Video Source: “Funny Monkey” uploaded by sammylovver to YouTube channel

Baby Sloths Get Bathed & My Insides Just Turned to Mush

Grown men and the odd lesbian, listen up! Sending this video to the object of your affection is GUARANTEED to flood her squishy organs with progesterone, which means you can swoop in for the spooning! Adult sloths may be somewhat gross (because they’re lazy as a rusted engine and they tend to pee on themselves), but their babies are utterly divine. Suddenly, I feel the urge to quit my life and become a volunteer at a sloth sanctuary…

Video Source: “Bath Time for Baby Sloths | Too Cute” Uploaded by Animal Planet to YouTube channel

Today’s Sciencey LOL

Scientific explanation for what happens when you choke…

funny science jokes

Wildlife Photographer Interrupts Mating Tortoises… Slowest Chase Ever Ensues

Have you ever been in the middle of giving someone a good rodgering when a friend calls, your flat mate walks in on you or your mother knocks on your door asking for your dirty laundry? Most of us have… now imagine you’re “doing the dirty” and some wildlife explorer sneaks in, does a shoddy job of concealing himself and films you! The very audacity of it all! And that’s precisely the train of thought the gigantic male tortoise featured in this voyeuristic video has when it embarks upon a chase of the offending explorer. Needless to say, the chase is anything but fast and furious.

Video Source: “Explorer Interrupts Mating Tortoises, Slowest Chase Ever Ensues” uploaded by National Geographic to YouTube channel

Clouds of Hummingbirds Fed by Hand!

They’re tiny little jewels that float in the air like bumblebees, but they’re not. They’re hummingbirds!

Video Source: “Hand Feeding Hummingbirds” by Highway 20 Productions on YouTube channel

TED Talks: Nature’s Grossest Creature a Master of Motion!

funny cat pictures

It is literally nature’s most disgusting creature and there are few people – men and women alike – who are unbothered by it coming within close proximity: the cockroach. And yet, the cockroach is an extraordinarily successful creature on planet Earth and one that will easily survive any apocalypse: mad-made or natural.

And so, in this fascinating TED Talk video, Dr. Robert Full (Director of the Poly-PEDAL Laboratory at Berkeley University) shows us just how amazing these creepy crawlers are in their ability to move through, up, around and over any obstacle or terrain. He and his team have applied the various laws of mechanics and modes of stabilisation they learned from the cockroach to the fabrication of robots, which are cute in a weird and creepy way.

Video Source: TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) at YouTube channel

Why is this research prudent? Because getting into tiny spaces, travelling over very rough terrain, pulling off gymnastic maneuvers in air and getting around impossible obstacles could be extremely useful in delivering aid to people trapped in disaster situations, such as earthquakes, tornado or hurricane swept areas. Robots such as these could also be the future of unmanned planetary exploration.

Prestige aside, watching cockroaches move around in slow motion is super interesting!