Introducing “Wednesday Wildlife”

I may have shifted my attention to travel but a fascination with wildlife and birdwatching, in particular, remains a stubborn fixture on the landscape of my unorthodox personality. As a part of my new venture, therefore, I shall be posting a weekly picture of an animal or bird that I have taken on one of my adventures. I would like to introduce to you… *appropriately lengthy drumroll*… Wednesday Wildlife! Aren’t I original?

Hold on… I have a better one: Wander Woman’s Wednesday Wildlife! Isn’t the alliteration maddeningly satisfying?

Anyway, enough of that tomfoolery. Before I got around to repurposing this blog to travel, I let rip with the Facebook page, Wander Woman Thea, which I urge you all to like, follow, share, interact with, drool over, and even fondle yourself inappropriately to. What I don’t know can’t hurt me. Over the past few weeks that’s been going, I’ve posted three Wildlife Wednesday features – or, I should say, #WildlifeWednesday – so in an effort to bring you all up to speed, here are those posts.

The Cheetah

Wednesday Wildlife post 1

On a recent trip to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve, I had the incredible life joy of seeing my very first ever cheetah in the wild. We approached this male by foot and got within about 15 meters of him, where I swooned over his kitten-esque antics. Did you know that cheetahs purr? Also, they are the fastest land animal in the world, able to reach speeds of 80 to 120 km/hr in short bursts. I shit you not.

An excerpt from my article for Southern Vines magazine about the reserve:

“Sanbona Wildlife Reserve is a malaria-free, big five private game reserve located three hours’ drive from Cape Town in the Little Karoo. Believed to have originated from the Khoikhoi word for “desert”, the Karoo is a semi-desert region of unique and desolate beauty, marked by tough, low-lying shrubs, hellishly thorned acacia trees, otherworldly succulent plants, rocky koppies, and russet soils.”

Read full article here.

In other words, get your butts to South Africa and come explore our truly gifted natural heritage. Also, because I love to travel and will use any excuse to get out the house, especially to play tour guide to a foreign visitor, get in touch with me if you do make it to our fair shores. Just please don’t axe murder me.

The Owl

Wednesday Wildlife post 2

This absolutely gorgeous creature is a spotted eagle owl, which I photographed in the golden late afternoon light of a game drive that culminated in a glass of chardonnay overlooking a dry river bed.

Sunset chardonnay

There, just in case you didn’t believe life could get THAT good.

Spotted eagle owls are medium-sized, as far as owls go, yet are one of the smallest of the eagle owls. Interestingly, they are a big fan of bathing and so can often be seen around water or on exposed branches or on the ground with spread wings during summer thunderstorms.

Nestled into a thicket of rather nasty Karoo Acacia thorns, this guy glared smugly and somewhat angrily at us, confident that none of us would be stupid enough to breach his/her boma of razor sharp thorns. Of course, human nature is by definition a balance between high intelligence and sublime stupidity. Needless to say, we took our pictures and left the owl alone to its angry vigil.

The Baboons

Wednesday Wildlife post 3

If a picture could speak a thousand words, this one would be a “50 Shades of Grey” novel.

These are Chacma baboons AKA Cape baboons and they are one of the largest of all the monkeys. Indigenous to Southern Africa, they live a highly social life with a defined hierarchy, at the top of which is the alpha male, quite easily one of the most intimidating of all the African animals. Quite honestly, of all the sounds I have heard in the bush, I find the resounding, explosive bark of a baboon to be far more terrifying than a lion’s roar or the hollow clink of an empty wine bottle (and knowing that it’s the last one). An angry male baboon could easily give Chuck Norris a thorough bitch-slapping.

Baboons spend the vast majority of their days foraging and grooming each other as a way of strengthening social ties and, well, just feeling loved.

The Mousebirds

Wednesday Wildlife post 4

These three stooges, who are warming their undercarriage in the mid-morning sun in a coastal bush at De Hoop Nature Reserve (southwestern Cape coast of South Africa), are speckled mousebirds. Mousebirds are gregarious and enjoy the company of other mousebirds, as we can see from the amount of love biting going on in this picture.

Fruits, buds, and berry eaters, mousebirds are named after their appearance (small, greyish bodies and long tails) and foraging behaviour; scurrying around in the bush in search of food. They are the only bird order that is confined entirely to sub-Saharan Africa and – get this – could actually be considered “living fossils” because the 6 species that exist today are the only survivors of a lineage that was massively more diverse in the early Paleogene and Miocene (thanks, Wikipedia).

Another magazine excerpt from an article I wrote about the reserve:

“The seamless confluence of a variety of vegetation biomes and landscapes in De Hoop Nature Reserve has attracted an enormous diversity of birdlife, from iridescent sunbirds and large raptors to swooping aerial birds and gaily coloured flamingos. In a single day, in fact, you could quite easily rack up a bird list of over 100 species, so abundant and varied it is (over 260 species of birds have been recorded here).”

Read full article here.

Wednesday Wildlife with me

That, my friends, is all for today! I will be posting these pictures along with an explanatory blurb every Wednesday at 9am SAST. Of course, if you like my Facebook page, Wander Woman Thea, you can get all of this delicious intellectual goodness delivered right to your feed or inbox. You can also find me on Instagram at @wander_woman_thea.

Happy hump day!

How To Instantly Guess Someone’s Age

As we age, certain things happen to our primary senses. By testing this ability, you can instantly guess just how old someone is! I won’t say too much more than that, because the video explains it beautifully…

Video Source: “How Can You Instantly Guess Someone’s Age?” Uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

Lava + Ice = Scrambled Eggs From Hell

Two men – a geologist and an artist – get it into their noggins to see what happens when you pour molten rock (lava) onto a sheet of ice. Both lava and ice constitute extremely resilient and powerful forces of nature and the results of this experiment you’ve GOT to see!

Video Source: “What Happens When Lava Meets Ice?” Uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

Snake Uses Hilarious Adaptation to Thwart Danger

This has got to be the funniest wildlife video I’ve seen in a very long time… The Western Hook-nosed Snake has developed a rather unique adaptation, which it makes use of to temporarily alarm enemies. It farts. Yes, it farts: something the guy in this video calls “popping noises, which it makes by squeezing air out of its cloaca” (biology speak for butt). Yeah, last time I checked, squeezing air out of your butt is called a fart. I especially LOVE how the snake continues to squeeze out little nervous farts while the guy handles it. If you can remember any of what he says, I applaud you. I was too busy laughing. Enjoy!

Video Source: “Western Hooknose Snake” uploaded by Orry Martin to YouTube channel

Crazy Schmuck Lets a Black Mamba Bite Him

Yeah, so the video title pretty much says it all. I’ll spare you the preamble and let you get straight to this INSANE video…

Video Source: “Surviving a Black Mamba Bite” uploaded by Science Channel to YouTube channel

The Gifts of Not Believing In God: Say What??

what the hell face

Oh no she ‘DINT!

Yes I did… hear me out:

I’m respectful of people’s personal beliefs, but that’s just the thing: beliefs are personal, or at least they should be. I would NEVER criticise someone’s convictions simply because they stood in stark contrast to my own, no matter how daft they might seem to me. But, have you ever noticed that the most ardent and overzealous of discriminatory attacks come from religious people? Why is that? THEY have a book that tells them how to lead virtuous lives. Atheists don’t. So why do many (and unfortunately, it’s the majority rather than the minority) of religious people tend to doll out more judgement, discrimination and prejudice than anyone else?

It is in the spirit of common sense and all that is rational that I’m allowing myself this one small rant to relieve the tension that builds in my bones over this issue. Julia Sweeney, one of my new favourite authors, comedians and actors, waxes lyrical about the incredible gifts that come with NOT believing in God: not taking life for granted being one of them.

I think we can ALL benefit from that message, whether you’re religious or not (and I’m serious about that)…

Video Source: “Julia Sweeney: The Gifts of Not Believing in God” Uploaded by ChicagoIdeasWeek to YouTube channel

Baboons Cartwheeling (No, This Is Not a Joke)

Baboons – and most monkeys and all apes really – are remarkably like humans. We have a social hierarchy, we have figured out our environment pretty well, we’re insatiably curious and we love to play games… cartwheel down hills to be more accurate. This clip comes from one of my FAVOURITE movies of all times – Beautiful People – a documentary set in the Kalahari desert. This movie chronicles the life and times of the flora and fauna that inhabit (and thrive) in this seemingly inhospitable place on Earth, all set to a musical score that is beautifully fitting. If you ever come across this film, check it out.

Video Source: “Funny Monkey” uploaded by sammylovver to YouTube channel