Hot Damn, Your Weekend Reading!

Easter fail awkward

If the prospect of a long weekend with the extended family (including dodgy uncles and nattering aunts) sends your brain spiralling into shut-down, better take this reading list with you! Our combination of scintillating videos, laugh-out-loud science jokes and thought-provoking blogs will keep your mind sharp and ready to metabolise your father’s verbal diarrhoea.

Here’s what you can look forward to…

Science Blog Roll

The Placebo Effect: Learn about this fascinating phenomenon as it influences our physical well-being in the total absence of any legitimate treatment.

Ode to Wine: Wine, glorious wine! In this funny science blog, we explore the chemistry and alchemy that goes into the making of our favourite social lubricant.

All Things Bright and Beautiful, Evolution Made Them All: Need I say more? Evolution is the mechanism by which life on Earth is able to change, adapt and diversify.

 Amazing/Interesting/Fascinating Science Videos

baffled boxer dog picture

Epic Rap Battles of History # 4: Technology giants Bill Gates and Steve Jobs go rhyme-to-rhyme in this amazing science video taken from the hilarious Epic Rap Battles of History.


The 10 Most Unreal Places on Earth: Take a journey through Earth’s 10 most surreal landscapes and unreal places, from a pink lake in Australia to the mammoth crystal caverns of Mexico. The is a MUST-SEE.

TED Talks with Adam Savage: One half of the genius behind Discovery’s “Mythbusters” spends a few minutes explaining how some of history’s most profound discoveries were made with just a spoonful of rationality, for example, the circumference of the Earth.

Driving Instructors Get Epically Pranked by Nerd Girl: If you have a thing for nerd girls, hard core female race drivers or watching innocent people get epically pranked, this video is for you! It had me in stitches.

When Earth and Space Collide: A Compilation of Meteor Footage – Need we say more? Actual footage of meteors, meteorites and one hypothetical scenario involving major asteroid impact. You WILL be entertained.

Meteor asteroid picture

50 Orgasms a Day Has Girl on Her Knees in Pain: Meet the sufferers of a rare medical disorder that has them experiencing persistent and powerful sexual arousal and orgasm. What, at first, sounds pretty awesome turns out to be horrifying.

World’s Largest Cave Revealed: Take a journey through the world’s largest and most spectacular cave (Hang Son Doong, Vietnam) on the back of a remote controlled drone.

10 Amazing Photographs That’ll Blow Your Mind: 10 Amazing photographs of Earth and nature that you’ve probably never seen before, from the tongue under the microscope to a massive dust storm from the safety of the ocean. Prepare to “ooh” and “aah!”

Beautiful Black hole

Daily Dose of Funny Science

Funny Science picture